At the 33rd week, your baby has a height of over 45 cm and a weight of 1900 g. The amount of amnion fluid will decrease a little since the baby grows up and takes more space. You may feel his/her kicks stronger. He/she can use his/her fingers and suck them. His/her skull bones are flexible and the fusion is not complete yet. In parallel to the rapid development in the brain tissue, the diameter of the head may be higher during the ultrasound measurements performed within these weeks. While the fine hairs covering the body start to disappear, the skin of your baby starts to be covered with a substance called vernix. Your baby can hear your heart beat. At the 34th week, your baby has a weight of more than 2 kg. Eye colors of all babies are blue before birth and will achieve its real color after birth. Subcutaneous adipose tissue is thickened and is important in keeping the body heat of the baby. At the 35th week your baby has a height of 46-47 cm and a weight of 2.5 kg. His/her lungs, circulatory and digestive system have developed completely. Testicle descend into the sac in male babies. After this week, your doctor may want to see you once a week. At the 36th week, your baby has a height of 48 cm and a weight of 2600-2700 g. The head of the baby start to descend into the birth canal. Contractions that are preparatory for birth are observed. These pains can be mixed with real delivery contractions. Babies that are born during this week and after that are not considered as premature. Routine weekly follow-ups along with measurement of blood pressure, weight gain, protein in urine and if necessary additional blood examinations will be recommended during this week and after that.
In the last month your baby takes the position of delivery within your uterus. He/she has now a weight of 50 cm and a weight of 3-3.5 kg. His/her lungs have completely developed, increasing subcutaneous adipose tissue helps in the preservation of body heat following birth. During this period, his/her brain development continues rapidly and the baby opens and closes his/her eyes. Wrinkles in his/her skin decreases and his/her skin takes a pinkish color. Hairs on the skin may start to fall off. The creamy layer on his/her skin decreases. Now, all belongings of your baby have to be ready, it is normal for him/her to come a short time before or after his/her normal date of delivery. Keep your bag ready to leave for the hospital, place all materials and clothes that will be necessary for you and for your baby in it. Keep a nightgown, socks to keep your feet warm, slippers and have anything that you think you will need with you ready. Do not forget to prepare your baby’s clothes. Prepare his/her room, as well. Do not forget that regular contractions that point to delivery may start now. Only 5% of the babies are born on the estimated date, the remaining are born within the period of 15 days before and after the normal delivery date. You have put on a lot of weight throughout your pregnancy. You may have put on 10-15 kg. Your low back pain may increase, you may have difficulty in walking. It may be difficult to find a comfortable position to sleep at night. Try to rest as much as possible. Do not forget that you may have more frequent doctor visits during the last month. We wish you and your baby a lifelong happiness…