Many moms want to exclusively breastfeed, especially in the first few months. However, due to health or physical reasons, or simply to share the feeding responsibility, a feeding bottle can become an attractive option as time goes on. It’s common to feel reluctant about giving up breastfeeding. It’s best to continue until you have a good balance between breast and bottle feeding.
Gradually introducing bottle feeding is better for your health too. You can pump and store your milk so your baby is still getting the benefits of breast milk, even when you’re not there. This allow reduces problems such as nipple injuries or chest pains that can occur with breastfeeding. However, after a certain period of time, a feeding bottle really does become indispensable.
Moms who are unable to breastfeeding during the day, or those who are experiencing difficulties can feed their babies via pumping. However you must pay attention to the type of bottle and teat you are using, as this can impact the level of success with bottle feeding.
We know you want the best for your baby, so take the time to balance breast and bottle feeding for healthy and happy development.
More Resources
- Can you reuse milk storage bags?
- How can you stop your baby biting during breastfeeding?
- How do you use a breast milk storage bag?
- How should I choose a breast pad?
- How should you heat refrigerated breast milk?
- What are the benefits of breastfeeding your baby?
- What are the best breastfeeding positions?